Do Wolfdogs Make Good Pets?


Wolfdog personality, behaviour, and more.

Nicole Wilde

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You may have seen wolfy-looking dogs in your neighbourhood and admired their wild, regal looks. Or, perhaps you’ve watched Game of Thrones, and the “dire wolves” caught your fancy. Now you’re wondering whether a wolfdog might make a good pet. Defenders of wolfdogs claim they can be wonderful, loyal companions so long as they are properly cared for. Others feel that any animal that is part wild has no place in the home. As someone who co-ran a rescue center for 40 to 50 wolves and wolfdogs for many years, wrote two books on the subject (Living with Wolfdogs and Wolfdogs A-Z: Behavior, Training & More), and lived with three of them for over ten years (a pure wolf and two wolfdogs who had nowhere else to go), I am here to share the information you need to make an informed decision. 

What Breeds Usually Make Up Wolfdogs + How to Recognize a High-Content Wolfdog

Huskies and Malamutes normally account for the dog content in wolfdogs, although German Shepherd mixes are not unusual. Genetics can vary greatly. Since there is no “wolfdog” breed standard, one, both, or neither parent may be a pure wolf. The number of generations away from a pure wolf (represented by F1, F2, and so on) and the percentage of wolf content is often overrepresented by breeders, which leads to misinformation. In fact, some so-called wolfdogs contain no wolf at all. Someone who mistakenly believes their pet to have a high percentage of wolf content may eventually get an actual high-content wolfdog and be unpleasantly surprised by the differences in behaviour. In general, the more wolf content and the closer in generation to pure wolves, the wolfier the looks and behaviour will be. 



“If you’ve ever had a Husky, imagine those northern-breed tendencies times ten! A Husky might chew the corner of your rug, but a high-content wolfdog might chew through your drywall and disembowel your couch.”


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Are Wolfdogs Legal?

Before we get into wolfdog behaviour, consider whether wolfdogs are legal where you live. Legalities vary from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Some areas require a permit, while others ban animals that possess any wolf content at all. In some places, legalities are based on the percentage of wolf and how recent the heritage. The latter two can be difficult to prove, and phenotyping (observing physical characteristics and behaviour) is often relied upon. Sadly, I have come across cases where a pet wolfdog jumped a fence and ended up in a shelter where they were deemed illegal and euthanized. 

Will Vets Treat Wolfdogs?

There is also the issue of veterinary care. Some vets refuse to treat wolfdogs. Others will not vaccinate them for rabies, as the USDA has not approved it for “hybrids.” If an unvaccinated wolfdog bites someone, he could end up euthanized, as testing for rabies entails examining the brain. For this reason, many wolfdog owners do not mention wolf content when registering their pet with a vet. Still, this is no guarantee against euthanasia if a bite incident occurs. 



Is a Wolfdog Right For You? Wolfdog Personality & Behaviour

While it is true that wolfdogs can be smart, affectionate, lovable companions, it is also true that they do not make good pets for the average person. They will dig moon craters in your yard. They are escape artists—six-foot fences present no challenge at all. And they can be extremely destructive indoors. If you’ve ever had a Husky, imagine those northern-breed tendencies times ten! A Husky might chew the corner of your rug, but a high-content wolfdog might chew through your drywall and disembowel your couch. Wolfdogs are intelligent, thorough investigators who need to know what’s inside things and how they work! For those reasons, many high-content wolfdogs end up living in outdoor enclosures that are dig-proof at the bottom and escape-proof at the top. As you might imagine, a proper enclosure can be costly.

wolf dogwolf dog

Photo mjurik/Adobe Stock

Here’s what Paula Ficara and Steve Wastell, who run Apex Protection Project in southern California, have to say: “When people ask us if wolfdogs make good pets, our answer is essentially no. They are companions at best. It is the equivalent of having a rambunctious toddler with large teeth that you’ll need to commit the next 10 to 15 years of your life to. If you’re up for that, great, but unfortunately too many people are not, and instead of making an informed decision, they discover this after they’ve brought one into their lives. We receive an average of ten emails a week from people wanting to give them up. We work with a network of about 50 wolfdog rescues around the country, and they are all perpetually full. It is incredibly difficult to find appropriate placement for these animals and many end up euthanized because there’s nowhere for them to go.”

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How Wolfdogs Differ From Dogs

Consider, too, that wolfdogs—especially those with considerable wolf content—are not as tractable as dogs. Dogs are fairly easy to train, and it could be argued that some even want to please us. Wolfdogs are quick learners, but pleasing us is not high on their list of priorities. Many also have a high prey drive. Some dog breeds do as well, but a wolf’s prey drive is more intense. For this reason, many wolfdogs cannot be trusted around small dogs or other small animals.

These cautions may sound harsh, especially if you’re someone who loves wolfdogs or has one. To be clear, I’m not in favour of anyone’s pet being taken away if they are being cared for properly and have a good quality of life. Truth be told, I love wolves and wolfdogs, and have worked for years to help them. I share this information for their sake, to protect them from being purchased without the requisite education and resources in place. Too many of those adorable puppies grow into adolescents or adults who end up in rescues or even euthanized. If you are considering a wolfdog, please do extensive research first. If you decide to share your life with one, be prepared for a long-term commitment, and the considerable time and effort needed to meet their physical and behavioural needs, keep them safely enclosed, and keep everyone safe. 

This article originally appeared in the award-winning Modern Dog magazine. Subscribe today!


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